Wednesday, August 13, 2008

RSS Breakdown

What is RSS?

RSS (Rich Site Summary) is a way to deliver regularly changing web content. It's basically syndication. Remember how Family Guy started on Fox and now it can be seen on TBS? That's syndication. The new episodes are still airing on Fox (I think) and once those air, all of the other channels can use it, too. In television, there is a substantial delay. With RSS, however, there is virtually no delay.

What do I need?

Internet. That's all you need to view RSS feeds. Now, if you want to view all of them at the same time, you might want to look into RSS readers. These programs (or sites) compile each of your subscribed feeds and make it easier to navigate, read, and even respond to them.

How do I add feeds?

It's simple. Click the button. If you'll look to the right of these words, you'll see a section labeled SUBSCRIBE. Simply click the button of the service you use (or plan to use) and then subscribe. Good luck and I hope to see you again. Subscribers get a free download!

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